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Medical technology coil


Wound coil produced by KUK Group, which is cast in the housing, for the medical technology manufacturer Bürki inno med.

Wound coil produced by KUK Group, which is cast in the housing, for the medical technology manufacturer Bürki inno med.

Sometimes it is quite human reasons that trigger a search for a supplier. At Bürki inno med AG from Widnau (Switzerland), the retirement of an employee prompted the search for a coil supplier with proven medical technology experience. Until then, the developer and manufacturer of microsurgical instruments for ophthalmology had wound its own coils by hand. Within a few months, production was then transferred to KUK Group, the world's leading manufacturer of customised coils and electronics. "This is an enormous relief for us. The process stability could be improved and the testing effort considerably reduced," says Martin Bürki, founder and partner of Bürki inno med. KUK produces a wound coil for the medical technology manufacturer, which is cast in the housing. It is used to drive a handpiece for eye surgery.
"This is an enormous relief for us. The process stability could be improved and the testing effort considerably reduced," says Martin Bürki, founder and partner of Bürki inno med. KUK produces a wound coil for the medical technology manufacturer, which is cast in the housing. It is used to drive a handpiece for eye surgery."

Ready for series production in a few months

During the initial discussions, it became evident that KUK could take on another processing step: Assembling under the microscope with the specification that the coil is hermetically sealed. In this highly sensitive medical technology environment, applications must be autoclavable. Bürki inno med was able to rely on KUK's vast experience as a supplier to the medtech industry. "In addition to the quality with which we receive the high-precision component, we are particularly pleased that we found a supplier in the immediate proximity," says Bürki. He was also very satisfied with the extremely short lead time of the outsourcing: only a short time after the start of the project, he had the first samples in his hands, and after less than half a year, a first series of several hundred pieces followed. Thus, from A to Z, it is a successful coil project for a complex medtech surgical instrument.


In unserer Checkliste sind einige Tipps zusammengefasst, die Entwicklern dabei helfen sollen, die für ihre medizintechnische Anwendung benötigten Spulen im vorgesehenen Zeitraum zu bekommen.


Engineers are the specialists for the development of highly complex medical devices. Time is short, the product launch is imminent, a successful coil project is urgently needed. Our checklist summarises some tips to help developers get the coils they need for their medical technology application in the timeframe they have in mind.


Windings on customer-specific bobbins
Windings on customer-specific bobbins

KUK offers windings on customer-specific coil formers with all common bobbin shapes and geometries. All conceivable shapes of electric coils are customer-specific manufactured.

Assembly of complete modules
Assembly of complete modules

In addition to the high level of competence in coil production, customers also value potting and assembly to stators or complete motors.


Insulation layer on magnet wires: A common stumbling block for engineers

In coil production, the insulation of the wire has an influence on a wide variety of product properties such as application range, service life, costs or coil design. Wire insulation also has an effect on various factors during coil manufacturing, such as scrap or further processing. This article summarises the essential facts about wire insulation - and its effect on coil design - for engineers.

What material can coils be wound from?

In coil production, the wire used plays a central role. While copper is undoubtedly the most commonly used conductor material, especially for customer-specific coil projects, it is also worthwhile to test alternative coil wire, depending on the application.

Misconceptions about the fill factor of electric coils

In the realm of electric coils, there exists a common misconception among engineers regarding the fill factor. This misconception often leads to misunderstandings about the overall efficiency and performance of these coils. It is imperative to address these misconceptions and shed light on the true implications of the fill factor.

Self-supported coils: Facts about coils made of selfbonding wire

Self-supported coils are coils made of wire that is coated with a thermoplastic layer - the bonding varnish. The term selfbonding enamel wire already indicates it: This wire is bonded during the winding process to give the coil the necessary stability without any other aids, especially in the case of air coils. The use of selfbonding wire can offer advantages over a bobbin coil in some cases, ...

What is the advantage of orthocyclic windings?

Orthocyclic coils are characterised by a high copper fill factor (often approx. 70%), so that a comparatively high magnetic field is realised in the smallest possible space.

What is the purpose of edgewise winding?

Edgewise winding is one of the modern trends in coil manufacturing. The principle of this winding technology is that the rectangular section wire is wound not on the flat part of the wire but on the short side of the wire. That’s where the terms edgewise winding or side-winding stands for.